translated from Spanish: Pandemic: Internet use increases, but inclusion on websites remains un progressed

Due to the pandemic the formalities had to be carried out remotely, forcing thousands of people to adapt to the use of the technology. Despite this, not everyone can make use of these, as there are many pages that do not have the basic requirements for people with disabilities to access.
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities noted that participating States should take appropriate measures to promote access for persons with disabilities to new information and communications systems and technologies, including the internet.
In 2015, the National Disability Service (Senadis) published the document “Basic Requirements for an Accessible Website”. This details a number of things to consider when generating content for pages.
“Elements such as image, video and audio have a textual alternative (alt attribute), allowing people with sensory disabilities to access the content plotted on those elements.” In addition, sliders or carousles with images are not considered accessible, as they make it difficult to read screen readers for visually impaired users.
María Ximena Rivas, Director of Senadis, noted that the obligation to monitor web accessibility on State sites is in the Ministry General Secretariat of the Presidency. In addition, he added that they are working on projects to promote web accessibility. “Coming soon, together with the Civil Service, we will start a Web Accessibility training course for public officials, in order to promote web accessibility guidelines in state agencies.”
Signaling is an accessible technology company, which aims to promote access to the internet of all people. According to data delivered by them, 9 out of 10 websites are not accessiblely programmed. This is why they advise companies to have accessibility criteria in their websites.
On their website people can take a web accessibility test, where they only have to enter the URL of the page they want to analyze. Currently online platforms are essential for everyone, so it is essential that all websites integrate the basic elements of inclusion, so that people with disabilities can access without problem.
Another platform is Vi-Sor, an inclusion venture with a video system that allows you to instantly count on interpreters from different languages or languages, including sign language, which was even implemented by Senadis for the attention of deaf people remotely.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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