translated from Spanish: Fox prepares an animated series of The Secret Files X

This can be very good… or really bad. We won’t know until it reaches our screens, but we’re already ahead of them that there are plans for an animated spinoff of “The Secret X Records” (The X Files, 1993-2018), in comedy tone. Just like they read. The Fox network has already put to work for “The X-Files: Albuquerque”, an office-centered animated comedy full of misfit agents investigating cases of ‘X-Files’ that are too extravagant, ridiculous, or downright foolish to occupy the time of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. They’re basically team B from “The X-Files.”

We want to believe…

Chris Carter, creator of the original show, will be in charge of the executive production of the project, along with Jeremy Sosenko and Rocky Russo, responsible for the script. For its part, animation will correspond to Bento Box and, in case you are asked, neither Gillian Anderson nor David Duchovny are involved in this new sci-fi adventure. The mystery drama, centered on these two agents who “want to believe,” spread over nine seasons, two films and a two-installment revival that didn’t have the repercussion that was expected. The closest thing to an animated comedy they had to face was their time on “The Simpsons” in the episode “The Springfield Files” (1997), where both actors lent their voices to the iconic characters drawn.

A past drawn

For some credentials, Russo and Sosenko had already worked together on “Project 43” (Movie 43, 2013) and shows such as “Brickleberry” and “Paradise PD”. Still, it remains to be seen how this animated spin off can work, which, in short, is not a novelty, more if we consider the recent “Star Trek: Lower Decks” of CBS All Access, which follows a ‘work’ premise quite similar in terms of second-class employees.
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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