translated from Spanish: Nigerian boy impresses on social media with his ballet (Video)

Anthony Mmesoma Madu, an 11-year-old boy from Nigeria, gained his popularity after it was recorded dancing ballet barefoot and in the rain last June. The young man attracted millions of glances thanks to his astonishing artistic skills and soon received scholarships from prestigious dance academies around the world, including the American Ballet Theatre, one of America’s leading companies. America, to enhance your talent and become a professional dancer.
Already known as the Nigerian ‘Billy Elliot’, Anthony and his dance teacher, Daniel Ajala Owoseni, appeared on Wednesday on the Good Morning Britain show, where they revealed that the young dancer’s future fate is still unrepineful and described as an “overwhelming experience” the rain of offers that has fallen on the boy. “This is my dream, to see that Nigeria is on the map when it comes to ballet dancing. There are many scholarships and many opportunities for Anthony, but we’re still trying to figure out where he’s going. It’s such an overwhelming experience…” confessed, the founder of the Nigerian academy confessed.

The Nigerian boy who impresses the nets with his ballet in the rain receives scholarships from all over the world and doubts which one to choose
— RT en Español (@ActualidadRT) August 30, 2020

“At 11 we must be very careful about the decision we make. It’s futuristic, not just one for now, it’s for your future, and we’re doing everything we can to make sure you’re going to the best place,” he said.
For his part, the child said that his desire is to see the ballet grow in Nigeria and to go on to represent his country in dance worldwide.
Antonhy started dancing at the Leap of Dance Academy in the Nigerian city of Lagos, which teaches his students for free. It was just outside the hall that he rehearsed that the little boy was recorded dancing, which caused not only millions of people to see him, but also an avalanche of donations to that school. Its founder, Daniel Ajala Owoseni, says he will use money and current popularity to promote ballet in Nigeria, a country where that discipline is not yet widely practiced.
“When I dance, I feel like I’m on top of the world,” the boy said.
With information Rt

Original source in Spanish


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