translated from Spanish: Queen will release a live album with Adam Lambert

The date of this first live album between the legendary Queen and American Idol finalist Adam Lambert, will be on October 2 with “Queen + Adam Live Around the World”, which will be a compilation of his most acclaimed performances around the world and featuring different editions and formats. The album will be released on CD, CD + DVD, CD + Blu-ray and on vinyl. The performances have been personally chosen by Roger Taylor, Brian May and Adam Lambert, who have made a selection of the more than 200 concerts they have performed around the world.

Last June, the band hosted an event on their YouTube channel to celebrate what would have been their closing night at London’s O2 Arena. The broadcast featured uninterested performances such as “Love Kills” and “I Was Born to Love You”, which were performed together at the Rock in Rio festivals in Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro. With more than 500,000 views, the band was so impressed that they decided to encourage themselves to release a live album.

“Honestly, we hadn’t seen those videos yet, we were too busy touring,” Taylor said in an interview for Variety.” We didn’t know how good the band sounded. So we thought, well, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to edit a live album of the best concerts we’ve done over the last eight years with Adam Lambert,” he added. Brian May said: “As we struggled with the challenge of creating shows in a world dominated by a viral enemy, we found it the ideal time to make a collection of highlights of all the shows we’ve had with Queen over the past seven years with our brother Adam Lambert.”
The group had started this 2020 with a European tour, which they had to delay to 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic. During the confinement, Queen released a special version of ‘You Are the Champions’, recorded in secret and solidarity, as all its benefits went to the WHO COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.

Original source in Spanish


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