translated from Spanish: AMLO calls on PT ‘not to maneuver’ to get presidency of Deputies

In the midst of the struggle between the Labour (PT) and Institutional Revolutionary (PRI) parties for the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador asked lawmakers to “act righteously” and not fight for office.
Since Friday, four deputies have switched to the ranks of PT to gain a majority over the PRI and thus the legislator Gerardo Fernández Noroña chaired the Board of Directors of the lower house. 
Among the legislators who switched banks are Mauricio Toledo, Héctor Serrano, José Angel Pérez and Manuel López. With them the PT added 47. 
However this Sunday Mario Delgado, coordinator of the deputies of Morena, confirmed that Manuel López would not change to the PT which leaves with 46 legislators both the PT and the PRI.
“If it is established that for the third year, (who has the presidency) it is the one who obtained the third place, so it must be and must be respected,” the representative said at his conference on Monday.
At the beginning of the legislature it was agreed that the first year Morena (which has an absolute majority with 251 legislators would chair the Board of Directors, the second year the NAP and the third year the PRI. 
Should the bench changes be avoided?
“Yes, but acting righteously, not being maneuvering last-minute on office, is not to succeed at all costs without moral scruples of any kind, this harms the party that does so. Why is it hurting him? Because in this case he gives arguments to conservatism. I can already imagine the Reformation, eight columns ‘Bought votes’, ‘Maneuvered’, for a charge? you can’t do politics without moral authority.”
He said the bottom line, after the moves and decisions that the parties make, would be “to tailor things to someone’s, from some party and then blame me.”
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Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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