translated from Spanish: Uruguay thinks about tourism and would allow Argentine cars to enter

Uruguay’s Tourism Minister Germán Cardoso confirmed that in the coming hours he will meet with Luis Lacalle Pou, president of the country, “to discuss the reopening of activity for foreign tourists” and “plan the next high season of sun and beach”. Cardoso revealed that it will seek the possibility for Argentine and Brazilian tourists, who in 2019 exceeded 2.2 million people who spent more than $1.25 billion, will make it into Uruguay with their own cars, which is common but which is now not allowed by the coronavirus pandemic.

The official explained: “We will analyze the evolution of the epidemiological situation in the country and in the region, but we intend in October to be able to begin to analyze the concreteness of the next high season of sun and beach and the authorization to start receiving foreign tourists, always respecting the protocols.” In the neighbouring country domestic tourism has been enabled since July and only residents who return from abroad and foreigners who have a tax domicile or economic or labour activity in their territory are allowed to enter their national territory.

“The protocols are working well and that was demonstrated in the Salto and Paysandú thermal baths, which worked to the fullest of their allowed capacity, which is 50% of the usual, without any covid-19 case being recorded,” he concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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