translated from Spanish: Felipe Calderón apologizes to Lorenzo Córdova for mentioning his father

Mexico.- Former President Felipe Calderón apologized to Lorenzo Córdova in mentioning his father, Arnaldo Córdova, after he answered the tweet of the president of the National Electoral Institute (INE) in justifying his vote against giving registration as a party to Mexico Libre.
Through his Twitter account, the former representative noted that he should not have done so and said he will correct his post.
“In responding to the tweet of the President of the @INEMexico justifying his vote against @MexLibre_’s record, I mentioned to his father Arnaldo Córdova whom I was fortunate to meet. I shouldn’t have, and I’m asking you for an apology @lorenzocordovav. I’ll correct the tweet,” Calderón Hinojosa wrote.

In responding to the tweet of the @INEMexico Director-President justifying his vote against @MexLibre_’s record, I mentioned to his father Arnaldo Córdova whom I was fortunate to meet. I shouldn’t have, and I’m asking you for an apology @lorenzocordovav. I’ll correct the tweet
— Felipe Calderón (@FelipeCalderon) September 7, 2020

Previously, the InE’s President Director Lorenzo Córdova unveiled the reasons why he voted against Mexico Libre to form a political party.
“Because there is 8.2 percent of the income in which the @INEMexico is unclear about its origin, I decided to vote against the registration of the organization México Libre as a national political party,” he said.
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