translated from Spanish: Former U.S. pilot who saw a UFO says the object committed an “act of war” during the encounter

World. David Fravor, who was one of the fighter pilots who encountered a mysterious flying object off the coast of California in November 2004, says the unidentified apparatus committed an “act of war” in the unexplained encounter.
The now a former U.S. Navy pilot, to which he belonged for 18 years, saw that the TicTac-shaped object – an oval pill-like treat – performed extraordinary aerial maneuvers that no known human technology is capable of doing. He said the UFO didn’t look like anything he’d found.
Fravor had been sent to investigate an area where radar anomalies were detected. The command ordered him to monitor unidentified aircraft that could drastically change altitudes and disappear from radars. It was followed by other pilots who successfully recorded images of those strange phenomena. The images of the meeting were leaked in 2017. Fravor recounted his extraordinary experience in an interview with scientist Lex Fridman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “This is not like a ‘we saw it and went’, or ‘I saw lights in the sky and they left’; we saw this on a clear glass-like day, with four trained observers,” he recalled.
The ex-pilot said that every time he tried to approach the object, it accelerated rapidly and disappeared in less than a second. “I remember saying to the guy in my back seat, ‘Dude, I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty worried.'” He added that the object could do things that no known human technology is capable of fulfilling. “I don’t like to get into the subject of little green men, but I don’t think [los humanos] we’ve developed it (…) I think you can hide things for a while. This is a big leap in technology.”
After Fravor landed, a colleague on the ground successfully located the unidentified phenomenon before fravor blocked the radar. “The radar is smart enough that when the signal returns, if it’s been blocked, it tells you, it gives you indications of what was jammed (…) It was locked in almost every mode you can see (…) you can say it was blocked,” Fravor said, adding that when another platform is actively blocked, that’s technically an act of war.
Source Rt

Original source in Spanish


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