translated from Spanish: Award-winning Chilean-Finnish co-production “Invisible Heroes” debuts successfully on the national screen

This series will allow us to learn in detail how Brotherus took refuge in his country’s embassy in Chile to more than two thousand people who were persecuted after the 1973 military coup, who were also assisted in escaping the country and traveling to Europe.
“Invisible Heroes” is a political, action-suspense thriller starring Finnish actors Pelle Heikkila and Sophia Heikkila, who play the couple of ambassador and his wife, Lysa Brotherus. In addition, there will be prominent national performers such as Nestor Cantillana, Marcial Tagle, Ingrid Isensee, Gastón Salgado and Cristian Carvajal.

A story of solidarity
Parox’s production company Leonora González adds, “Invisible Heroes was awarded the best European series of 2019 and it is a story that shows us that solidarity has no political color, no race, no nationality. In this sense it is a very current story, which makes us reflect on what happens today in the world and especially in Chile. For us it was a wonderful experience and a great opportunity to be able to tell it.”
“Invisible Heroes” is a Chilean-Finnish co-production between the YLE channel (Finland) and producers Parox (Chile) and Kahio Republic (Finland). The series is supported by Chilevisión, a channel for which it will be exhibited exclusively in Chile, and funds from the National Television Council and CORFO.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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