translated from Spanish: Coronavirus in Argentina: 10,776 new cases and 115 deaths in 24 hours

In the last 24 hours, Argentina recorded a total of 10,776 new cases of coronavirus. This figure led to the total number of contagions being raised to 546,481.On the other hand, the Ministry of Health confirmed that, on the last day, 115 were the deceased. Thus, the total number of pastures since the beginning of the pandemic reached 11,263.
Of those 115 people, 57 correspond to the evening report. In turn, of those 57 people, 38 are men. 18 residents in the province of Buenos Aires, 5 residents in CABA, 2 residents in the province of Chaco, 4 residents in the province of Córdoba, 2 residents in the province of Mendoza, 2 residents in the province of Salta, 2 residents in the province of San Juan, 1 resident in the province of Santa Fe, 1 resident in the province of Tierra del Fuego and 1 resident in the province of Tucumán.De those 57 decessos , 19 are women. 6 residents in the province of Buenos Aires, 4 residents in CABA, 1 resident in chaco province, 2 residents in the province of Córdoba, 3 residents in the province of San Juan, 2 residents in the province of Santa Fe and 1 resident in the province of Tierra del Fuego.Data by province (No of confirmed Number of accumulated):
Buenos Aires 5,862 328.100
Buenos Aires City 985 110.057
Catamarca 6 120
Chaco 117 6.660
Chubut 165 1.645
Cordoba 491 13.887
Currents 56 659
Between Rivers 138 5.133
Formosa -1 95
Jujuy 254 11.953
The Pampa 30 351
La Rioja 47 2.712
Mendoza 718 13.778
Missions 3 68
Neuquén 67 4.526
Rio Negro 229 8.589
Jump 266 6.425
San Juan 23 422
St. Louis 3 382
Santa Cruz 114 2.876
Santa Fe 889 17.562
Santiago del Estero 112 1.753
Land of Fire 48 2.683 *
Tucumán 154 6.045

*13 cases in the Falkland Islands are included according to press reports (due to illegal occupation of the United Kingdom, Great Britain and Northern Ireland it is not possible to have their own information on the impact of COVID -19 on that part of Argentine territory). In addition, the Ministry of Health reported that the country’s bed occupancy is 60.4%, while in AMBA it is 68.5%.
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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