translated from Spanish: An “18” Zero Garbage: Tips to Help You in This Challenge

Every year the Fiestas Patrias are synonymous with gaining weight because, according to calculations, there are 5 average kilos that a Chilean can climb with this celebration. But healthy habits go beyond eating and it’s also key to question the amount of garbage we generate with these activities.
Disposable glasses, not sharing food and having individual cutlery are part of the advice that has been given to comply with health protocols, however, it is important to take into account that, if we opt for these elements, we must choose those that can be recovered.
“Living without generating garbage is possible. Knowing how to choose what we are going to use and recover before buying, prefer glass bottles or aluminum cans over plastic cups and generate the habit of segregating the waste we generate, are concrete actions that allow us to advance the reduction of garbage avoiding landfills”, explains Juan Pablo Marín, commercial manager of EcoLógica
How to achieve this challenge? Here are some tips:

Use your consumer power: Consciously choose products before you buy, thinking about what will be done with them after consumption: can they be cleaned and used again? It is important to find out if someone removes them to recover them or if they receive them in clean spots.
Eye on the materials!: Not all are the same, PET, aluminum and glass are easier to recycle.
Use reusable bulbs: Prefer metal bulbs that are the only reusable ones. Sadly, plastic ones are used only about 30 minutes, but take 200 years to degrade.
Implement a clean spot!: If you can, prepare in your home a space to segregate the waste, dividing it into the materials you will use. It is important that you also have a dumpster for those waste that cannot be recovered.
If you’re not sure, throw it away: It’s important to know that what you recycle should be separated and cleaned, otherwise you can contaminate an already segregated container by turning all that waste into garbage!
Reuse your decoration: When choosing the right-hand ornamentation, try to make them items that you can reuse for more years or on other occasions, in this way you will contribute to the reuse of them by giving them more lifespan.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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