translated from Spanish: U.S.: suspected woman arrested of sending ricin envelope to White House

A woman suspected of sending an envelope with ricin — a poisonous substance — to the White House, was arrested on the Canada-New York border, and is presumed to have sent similar letters to law enforcement agencies in Texas, authorities reported Monday. The letter was intercepted last week before it reached the White House. The woman was arrested by officials from the Customs and Border Protection Office at the Peace Bridge border crossing near Buffalo, and is expected to face federal charges, three police officers told The Associated Press.The woman’s name was not immediately disclosed, but is expected to appear Tuesday in a federal Buffalo.La letter addressed to the White House apparently originated in Canada , had pointed out the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The misiva was intercepted by a government facility that analyzes mail addressed to presidential residence and presidential president Donald Trump, and a preliminary investigation indicated that it had tested ricin positive, according to officials. Envelopes with ricin were also sent to law enforcement agencies in the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas, according to another official. The official did not specify which units the missives targeted, but added that they are believed to have been sent by the same person who addressed the letter to the White House.Officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss an open investigation. One of the envelopes was sent to the police in Mission, Texas, said investigator Art Flores, a spokesman for the police department in that border town. Flores added that no one was injured and that the misiva is in the custody of the authorities. He refused to give more details. The head of the police in The Texan County of Hidalgo, Eddie Guerra, said envelopes with ricin also “were sent to me and three other members of my arrest staff,” but no one was injured. Guerra noted on Twitter that he would publicize more information on Tuesday. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Quebec confirmed Monday that a police investigation was conducted on a street in St-Hubert, Quebec, related to the contaminated letter sent to the White House.

Original source in Spanish


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