translated from Spanish: Morelia City Council gets PROSARE certificate from CONAMER

Mexico City.- As part of the scope achieved by the implementation of anti-corruption policies, in compliance with the 4th. Transformación, the municipal president of Morelia, Raúl Morón Orozco, promoted Morelia as an attractive city for investment, obtaining the PROSARE certificate, by the National Regulatory Improvement Commission (CONAMER), which will facilitate the opening of new low-risk companies.
The Government of Morelia, headed by Mayor Raúl Morón, has aligned with the policies and strategies of the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, which has resulted in significant advances in administration and benefits for citizens, reported in a statement.
He stressed that from its trench and to contribute to Michoacán, the line of work with the state government, the Secretary of economy and the National Regulatory Improvement Commission will continue, to ensure a public policy of non-corruption, transparency, efficiency and simplification of procedures and services that allow the best operation of productive activities and services.
He assured the present that Morelia is one of the best cities to live, grow and invest, not only for the quality of life it offers, but also for its logistical position, cultural dynamism, natural resources and the hospitality of its inhabitants, which has been reflected with the presence of important national and international companies.
With this important advance that will allow the emergence of new companies, in a simpler way, an important step is made in terms of Regulatory Improvement, thus showing the full confidence that there is for Morelia in terms of the productive and economic sector, in order to generate greater well-being in the population. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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