translated from Spanish: The mote returns with bones: Cerro San Cristóbal will reopen its trade

Since the reopening of the Metropolitan Park, in mid-August, 47,000 people have attended the main green area of the capital, a visit that for health reasons has not been entirely complete, because to prevent contagion the commercial premises of the San Cristobal hill have remained closed, and with it the traditional and emblematic moting posts with bones.
However, the improvement of the indices in that sector of Gran Santiago and the good behavior of visitors will allow the 40 shops of the venue to reopen from this Saturday, as announced yesterday by the Ministry of Housing and Urban planning.
“We are delivering good news because this means about 100 people return to their working sources,” Minister Felipe Ward said.
Reopening must follow a strict protocol, which includes having a maximum of 3 tables and 6 chairs per food kiosk to maintain the distance; limit users to two people for each shared table or family groups of up to 5 people; and sanitization of furniture every time a person retires. While consuming visitors will be able to remove the masks, which is mandatory in the enclosure and must be put back when getting up.
To the place you can go from Monday to Sunday between 9 and 20 hours, schedule that was extended to avoid crowds. On weekends you can only enter on foot.
On Sunday, meanwhile, masses were resumed at the park sanctuary, with a capacity of 50 people. The maximum allowed in the sector is 150 visitors, who can climb up to 18 hours.
“We are trying to bring hope and joy in the difficult times we are experiencing,” said Parquemet director Martin Andrade.

Original source in Spanish


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