translated from Spanish: Senate approved a project on gender parity in media

The Senate passed a gender parity bill, which applies to the sound and televised broadcasting services of the National State and private operators. The initiative aims to promote equity in gender representation from a sexual diversity perspective in communication services, whatever platform used. With this mediation sanction, it must be treated by the Chamber of Deputies.In addition, it reaches state management services under the area of Radio and Television Argentina SE, Public Contents SE, Télam SE, and any other communication service of the National State that is created after the sanction of this law. It is established that communication services operated by privately run providers, to which the certificate of equity in gender representation is granted, take precedence over the allocation of official advertising by the National Public Sector.
“The project ensures equity in gender representation from a perspective of sexual diversity in access to and permanence to jobs applies to all positions: driving, production, technicians and managerial. Also a representation of transvestite, transgender, transgender and intersex people in the state media”, explained in networks from the feminist group Journalists Argentinas.

Today we vote the #LeydeEquidadEnLosMedios in the Senate. The Bill aims to ensure gender parity in the sound and television broadcasting services of the National State. Both state and private management; for profit or non-profit. — Argentine journalists (@PeriodistasdArg)
October 8, 2020

In this note:

Gender parity in the media

Original source in Spanish


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