translated from Spanish: Garbage collectors surprise with wrestling routine

Mexico.- Cleaning workers went viral after the three individuals starred in an astonishing wrestling routine while doing the collection work. The video that was originally posted on the Tik Tok platform, has flooded the network to the extent that now AAA Wrestling has requested community support to locate them.
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Well, to say from the video, the three men showed a mastery in the arts of the found and the Chinese keys as the great Mexican wrestlers who left more than one still open. After the wave of comments on social networks, it was through the Facebook group “What we call the basurologists” that Juan Manuel and Oscar appreciated the attention that the neighbors of the Ocozuapa colony in Chilpancingo, Guerrero for allowing them to show some of the great skills they have.
In masquerades and in their dressing dress, the two young men along with which I play the role of réferi, made different keys and stunts from a scissors to the neck to a deadly inverted that was the final touch of the clip starring the group of collectors.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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