translated from Spanish: Ministry of Justice regretted amnesty International’s report “making statements on facts and information that need to be updated”

The Government, through the Ministry of Justice, regretted that Amnesty International’s (AI) report “makes statements on facts and information that need to be updated and are currently being investigated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office and at the judicial headquarters.”
The NGO today presented the report “Eyes on Chile: Police Violence and Command Responsibility during the Social Outburst”, which points to Carabineros CEO Mario Rozas as well as Deputy Director Diego Olate and Director of Order and Security Ricardo Yáñez for “allowing” human rights violations to be committed in chile’s wave of protests that began on October 18, 2019.
In a statement, the Justice Portfolio noted that “the Government strongly reiterates that there has been no premeditated or widespread practice or policy of the use of force for the purpose or intent to punish protesters, as the Report assumes on the basis of a background of limited scope.”
“The purported intentionality is far from the work and planning of our police, beyond specific actions that must be clarified by the competent institutions,” the public statement says.
In addition, they note that the Government “makes it clear that the AI report does not refer in depth to the more than 2,800 serious events that occurred in the country and more than five thousand law and security officials who were injured during the protests, as was endorsed by the other reports of national and international human rights agencies”.
They further criticize the AI report “does not reflect the work already done by the Government for the implementation of the recommendations of national and international bodies, nor the work done by the Coordinating Commission of the Criminal Justice System, nor of the Public Criminal Ombudsman to strengthen the safeguarding of human rights”.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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