translated from Spanish: La Plata: pull 7 garbage trucks out of a accumulating neighbor’s house

The Municipality of La Plata was alerted by a neighbor who suffers from what is called “Diogenes Syndrome”, which takes him to accumulate all kinds of objects without being able to get rid of anything, and which takes in a prolonged time, to cause excessive levels of rot and dangerous conditions that violate hygiene and follow. Due to this man’s disorder in the neighborhood they began to notice a lot of rodents, so the neighbors called the municipality to perform the corresponding disinfection. But they immediately noticed that the conditions in which this man was living affected not only his health but that of the ward. For this reason, they went to the neighbor’s home to begin with a deep cleaning, in which various agencies participated. The extensive operation, which began on Thursday and will run for six more days, was carried out by the staff of the Secretariats of Government, Security and Health, and also involved Environmental Management, Government Logistics, ESUR, Civil Protection, SAME, Zoonosis and the local police. The Secretary of Government, Marcelo Leguizamón, stated: “Action was initiated after coordination with the neighbors of the area. Justice did not intervene as the owner agreed to have the municipal team perform sanitization tasks on site.”

“We took out seven trucks complete with garbage and we are expected to take out three more, because it is a large terrain that had a mountain of more than three meters of various materials piled up for years,” the official said.

He also detailed: “During the procedure, we found that the greatest risks were in the spread of infectious diseases because there were many containers that accumulate water and can be breeding sites of mosquitoes, and rodents that can transmit leptospirosis,” they explained from the area.

An intervention plan was also established for the coming days that envisages eliminating the risks of zoonotic diseases.

Original source in Spanish


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