translated from Spanish: Senator Quinteros called on the government to revive economics not to be “a lock to maintain wage gap” between men and women

Senate Vice President Rabindranath Quinteros called Chile a “alarming” fifth place in the countries with the greatest inequality in the men-women pay gap.
“It’s an injustice that we can’t keep sweeping under the carpet, ” he said. For Quinteros, it is unacceptable that the wage difference between men and women is $200,000 as revealed by an Adimark poll last March.
In that sense, he warned that this wage difference increased with the pandemic. “The crisis that created the pandemic exposed the tragedy of inequality that is hitting women harder.”
“We have the opportunity to rebuild and revive the economy in a fairer way and to help us narrow this pay gap. Doing so will also allow us to build a country with greater social justice for women,” she added.
The senator for Los Lagos called on the government and the private to make a greater effort to make “women receive fair remuneration for work of equal value as men do. Economic revival must help improve this situation and not be a means of maintaining the gulf of the wage gap.”
Quinteros was confident that his Senate peers, government and businessmen will support the bill he introduced in September that seek to end this inequality.
“As part of this debate I think it is important to open up to discussion to citizens and that is why we will hold this Friday 23 the seminar “Wage Gap: Equal Pay for work of equal value”, to which everyone is invited because this also strengthens democracy,” he said.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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