translated from Spanish: 160 workers and legislators have tested positive

The Senate reported thursday that 160 people, including workers, advisers and senators themselves, have tested positive for COVID-19. In his report, it was not detailed how many of these cases are of legislators.
“As of Wednesday, 14 this month, a total of two thousand 152 rapid tests were carried out on workers and legislators to detect potential covid-19 carriers. Of that number of tests, 157 people tested positive – among unionized workers, senators, senators and advisers – representing 7.3 percent of the total number of those who have taken the test,” the Senate said in a statement.
“To that report, three workers who took the test on Monday the 12th were added and tested positive, adding a total of 160 people who have suffered from the Covid-19 virus, in this institution,” he added.
The chairman of the Political Coordination Board, Ricardo Monreal, instructed that from next Monday, October 26, senators, and legislative staff, who present some symptomatology, should be strengthened.
Just Wednesday, Panist Senator María Guadalupe Saldaña Cisneros reported that she had tested coronavirus positive. She was present at the marathon session that began on October 20 and concluded early on the 21st, in which 109 trusts were removed.
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Original source in Spanish


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