translated from Spanish: Opposition mayors sign “United in Constituent” agreement

A group of mayors of opposition parties signed the agreement “United in the Constituent” on Monday, facing the path that opens with the drafting of a new Constitution, through the Constitutional Convention, after the triumph of the “Apruebo” in the National Plebiscite 2020.Among the signatories are the communal chiefs Jorge Sharp (Valparaíso), Claudio Castro (Renca), Gonzalo Durán (Independence) , Daniel Jadue (Recoleta), Claudia Pizarro (La Pintana), Carolina Leitao (Peñalolén), Sadi Melo (El Bosque) and Maximiliano Ríos (Lo Prado), as well as 10 other communal authorities.” The territories were very, very clearly expressed in this constitutional Plebiscite and I believe that this reflects the possibility of hope and change and, in particular, in our commune of Valparaiso, which was one of the communes where most people voted,” Sharp said during the mayors’ meeting. Meanwhile, the mayor of Recoleta, Daniel Jadue, reiterated that “this is a triumph of the people of Chile, of all the Gustavo Gatica, Fabiola Campillai, Marcelo Catrillanca, indeed of all those who have mobilized for so long demanding what the people have pointed out today with complete clarity.” Yesterday’s good news forces us to face much greater challenges, and one of those and I want to make a place for both the Government and Parliament is to move forward in perfecting the agreement of 15 November so that our original peoples are not left out,” Jadue said along with a call to the population to continue to move peacefully without being infiltrated by violence. For his part, the mayor of Independencia, Gonzalo Durán, added that “this means re-editing the effort that began more than a year ago around lobbyists and territorial assemblies, but we will also propose from the territories contained transformers”. In turn, Mayor Leitao declared that work will be done on equity, health and education, as priority issues. “This is the unity we want, we hope the rest of the political world understands that moving forward requires agreement and unity of purpose that is what we mayors have,” he added.

Original source in Spanish


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