translated from Spanish: Eva Gomez made intimate confession: “My sexuality improved anyway”

TV presenters Eva Gómez and Carmen Gloria Arroyo chatted via a live instagram where they made numeroty confessions about sex after age 40. The lawyer noted that “sex after the age of 40, why do we want to talk about this issue? Because there’s a lot of prejudice, especially of young bastards who call you old from the 27s up. Many tend to think that over the years the lipid and sexual appetite are lost.” While the former animator of the Festival de Viña stated that “The other way around, one after the 40s is when she just starts to grab confidence, you know what you have, what it is, what you want to feel and what you can offer.” After a long introduction, Carmen Gloria noted that “when you reach that stage comes the point of accepting you, of maturing, of being deprejudged, because one should begin to feel more confident with oneself. When you accept more you feel less prejudiced and freer, enjoy more.” Where Eva stated that “that’s right. This occurs in the age at which the growth of children is consolidated and one is also consolidated as a person. And you say ‘this is what there is, this is who I am, this is what I can deliver and decide to enjoy it’, which is a decision too.” My sexuality improved anyway. It happened to me that after I was 40, and I would tell you forty-ones, I started saying ‘mish’, now I ask and say ‘mmm, here goes the thing, not here, more so…’ Didn’t it happen to you?” he added. To which the lawyer stated that “but of course, because one learns to know more. At 20 you’re still experimenting, they’re still the first relationships, first sexual experiences, so you still don’t have much cachai what you like, what you don’t like, you’re a little afraid to explore. Instead more adultly there is a path traveled and there are things that you say ‘no, definitely not’ and others that say ‘try’. Another tip the experts gave was to give themselves the time to. One when she gets more mature doesn’t always want that sex quickly, it doesn’t mean ever, but if you like the most romantic thing, more in the light, I hope they fill your bed with roses.” More with prior notice,” Gomez and Arroyo added that “of course, a good drink, with a very long preview, like they like the most leisurely thing”. Around 50, it’s true. We got the name wrong, it’s sex around 50, that was the name. There one begins to take spaces that before could not have, then it is not to arrive, two tablespoons and the potato. It’s coming in and that the copy, the flirtation, that I’m going to go into the bathroom and you come out with something nice, that he waits for you and tells you nice things. There is a pretty pre-effect, one when talking about altiro sexuality associates it with intercourse,” said the former festival presenter.

Original source in Spanish


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