translated from Spanish: María Gracia Omegna: “The Jauría recounts situations that occur today, where there are misogenous and homophobic acts”

Today, through TVN screens, amazon Prime’s hit series “La Jauría” will premiere on open television. The production, which will be broadcast during prime hours from Monday to Wednesday, portrays the story of detectives Elsa Murillo (Daniela Vega), Olivia Fernández (Antonia Zegers) and Carla Farías (María Gracia Omegna), who investigate the disappearance of a 17-year-old girl.” In the series you see different female roles where a woman works in a world of men”, says actress María Gracia Omegna. “It’s a constant struggle between your private life and your work goals,” he adds, “What do you think is due to the success of “La Jauría”? Pucha, I don’t know. I think it’s several factors. On base I think it’s well built, it’s super contingent and atynt too. There are many themes with which we all live together and that the series presents them. It is super innovative and interesting to feel reflected in something that is above it within a format that is attractive. In addition, the suspense is well built. Oh, well and it also has a super good cast (laughs).How did you get to the project? By chance of life. I’ve been sick of projects at Mega for a while, but hired. I think they (the production) had already gone through several castings and had not reached agreement, so they asked me if I could. I talked to the channel and they told me that if I wanted to go, it was no more. I did the casting and I stayed, so it happened, how do you see the female roles in the series? They are the ones who carry and compose the series, that is super interesting: there are strong but fragile roles at the same time. All from a super feminine, super emotional, but super concrete perspective at the same time. When you talk about fragile characters, but strong I remember your role that in addition to being a subcommittee is a mother. Yes, that’s part of femininity too. There is a uterine strength that makes one capable of many things, but there is also a super emotional, super instinctive connection of lioness, of protection to your herd… So yes, it has this super-well-built duality in that sense because it doesn’t arm an archetype of something and seeks humanity from it. First of all, we’re human, what do you stand out from the series? It is super interesting that you love this game, which is La Jauría, inspired by real facts, in so many things that have been happening and continue to happen to this day: mispages, homophobics, transphobics, everything. I think that atingence makes it interesting. Not only the subject, but also be led by females.What was it like to participate with this cast? It was bacan, imagine. The better the actor next to you, the better you act. In the cast there are many actors that I admire and working with them was great because it is much easier, it is much more organic and super interesting things came out. And you get along with them to this day… Yes, obviously, it was super cool everything. It was super entertaining to make the series and apart we got along very well with the Antonia and the Dani especially, which were the ones with which I had the most to record. We get along super well and generate a friendship.

Original source in Spanish


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