translated from Spanish: How the pandemic affected in U.S. presidential election

While America’s early elections began in mid-September, the situation intensified in the last days of October and early November, where almost every state could vote. In this note we tell you how the pandemic had an impact in the week leading up to November 3, the last day of voting in the United States.

October 27The October 27th the early vote in Louisiana was closed, which had begun on October 20 of the same month. On that day, all states except West Virginia were already voting in advance, Florida, New York, Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Oklahoma.That day there were a total of 74,428 cases of coronavirus, meaning one of the most significant subas in the country (on September 17, a day before the anticipated votes begin, 45,310 had been counted).October 28On Wednesday, 28, no early votes were closed in any state. On that day, the contagion hike rose significantly from the previous one: October 81,902.29On Thursday, 29, the anticipated elections in Maine and Tennessee were closed. During that day, the number of cases increased exponentially again from the previous day. 90,728 were the contagions recorded on a single day.30 October On Friday 30, advance votes were closed in several states. They were: Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Massachusetts, Nevada, Texas and Utah. 99,784 were the cases that were accounted for that day. Again, contagion continued to rise.October 31The closure of major states such as Florida, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Virginia and West Virginia, daily cases dropped greatly from Friday: 84,285.1 NovemberThe Sunday cases dropped again: 74,236 recorded in a single day. Early elections were closed in New York and Wisconsin.2 November After Halloween and key states were closed on the 31st, the amount of contagion for this day was expected to go up. And, indeed, they went up. 93,581 were the contagions recorded on the Monday before the final day. The 2th early votes were closed in Alaska, Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming.

As the last day of the election, the number of contagions and new dead during this day was not yet published.
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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