translated from Spanish: They use a Lamborghini Hurricane to transport a kidney for a transplant

In some police officers around the world they have high-performance supercar vehicles for certain emergencies or chases. In Italy they have used a Lamborghini Huracan to transport a kidney to save a life just in time in a transplant. The Lambo took the kidney from the hospital of Padua and traveled almost 500 kilometers to the city of Rome, to the University Polyclynic Agostino Gemelli.The special equipment of this model for the State Police has a cold box, a rescue kit and a defibrillator. Authorities released a two-minute video showing the feat of The Hurricane.Several Italians wondered why a helicopter was not used and whether the Lamborghini was necessary.
The body coordinating organ transplants in Italy answered these questions through an official statement.” The Centre coordinates approximately 1,000 interregional organ transports each year. In 60% of cases, transportation is carried out by air with private flights or state flights arranged by the Prime Minister with the support of the Air Force.” In all other cases, when it comes to organs that can survive longer hours outside the body, such as the kidneys, transportation is done by road through the emergency departments.”
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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