translated from Spanish: Coronavirus in Argentina: there are 5,331 new cases and another 212 deaths

The Ministry of Health of the Nation unveiled a new epidemiological part of the country’s health situation with respect to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on Sunday and reported that there are 5,331 new positive cases, which raised the number of infected to 1,242,182. In addition, 212 new deaths were recorded and the number of fatalities increased to 33,560. Meanwhile, there are 1,062,911 patients recovered.
The 212 people who lost their lives in the last 24 hours are: 136 men; 41 residents in the province of Buenos Aires, 11 resident in the City of Buenos Aires (CABA), 1 resident in the province of Chaco, 18 residents in the province of Córdoba, 1 resident in the province of Corrientes, 2 resident in the province of Entre Ríos, 3 residents in the province of La Pampa, 3 residents in the province of La Rioja , 12 residents in the province of Mendoza, 1 resident in the province of Río Negro, 25 residents in the province of Salta, 1 resident in the province of San Luis and 17 residents in the province of Santa Fe. In addition to 76 women; 32 residents in the province of Buenos Aires, 4 residents in the city of Buenos Aires, 5 resident in the province of Córdoba, 1 resident in the province of Entre Ríos, 2 residents in the province of La Pampa, 4 residents in the province of Mendoza, 1 resident in the province of Río Negro, 5 residents in the province of Salta , 1 resident in the province of Santa Cruz, 20 residents in the province of Santa Fe and 1 resident in the province of Tucumán.The 5,331 positive cases recorded are distributed in (No of confirmed Number of accumulated):
Buenos Aires 1,309 570.497
Buenos Aires City 245 150.576
Catamarca 15 1.179
Chaco 122 15.038
Chubut 119 16.895
Cordoba 775 93.579
Currents 77 2.910
Between Rivers 187 18.104
Formosa 0 162
Jujuy 12 18.025
The Pampa 99 4.121
La Rioja 55 7.849
Mendoza 140 50.574
Missions 3 333
Neuquén 154 25.254
Rio Negro 126 26.229
Jump 36 19.546
San Juan 127 3.663
St. Louis 54 9.071
Santa Cruz 176 11.086
Santa Fe 879 118.302
Santiago del Estero 170 11.326
Land of Fire** 178 13.136
Tucumán 273 54.727

*Those confirmed cases that are not notified by residence were accounted for by province of cargo. The Ministry reported that there are 4,608 patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU bed occupancy nation level: 58.1%, in the AMBA: 59.7%)
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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