translated from Spanish: Guido Girardi stung against the Government for the 2021 Budget: “Those who developed it are a danger to society”

PPD Senator Guido Girardi referred to his rejection of the 2021 Budget, ensuring that those who did so, i.e. the Ministry of Finance, are a danger “to society.”
“When a government lowers budgets for culture, higher education, science, it has an ideological vision behind it. I believe that this Government and this budget will go into history as one of the most anachronistic and mediocre in Chile’s history. The only thing that increases substantively is the military budget. I believe that the intellectual gaze of the Government is an intellectual look of flush flight. The Government does not know the importance of culture in unity and in the recovery of trust. The government doesn’t understand the future because it lives in the past,” he said.
“I believe that those who developed the budget are a danger to society, they pose harm to the country, to the soul of Chile,” he added.

He later said that “Chile will squander gigantic opportunities – Renewable Energy, Green Hydrogen, World Data Center, because they reduced resources for Science and suspended Chile Scholarships and will not form magisters and doctors in those and many other subjects.”
The senator stated that “in an anguished society where mistrust and polarization are the main symptoms of the institutional political crisis that is being lived, to diminish resources in culture, which generates a sense of life and restores confidence, is to understand nothing.”
He added that “a vision of government that underestimates culture, science and education is irresponsible and archaic, we cannot be in the hands of people who close Chile’s development possibilities, they are a danger to the future of the country.”
Girardi requires a Government with greater social commitment, sensitivity and a sense of urgency regarding the suffering that Chileans experience because of the pandemic.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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