translated from Spanish: Do you know the Macerated Swallows:: the best option for summer

With the reopening of bars, customers are returning with much broader knowledge in cocktails and their techniques. The result of this is that the consumer looks for higher quality in drinks, new flavors and is encouraged to try things that may not be before. From a vodka macerated with cinnamon cloves and black tea, to a Fernet Branca macerated with cocoa and mint seeds.
When thinking about maceration and his technique, Juan Luciani, Brand Ambassador of the Carpano Family, commented that: “There are several but basically it has to do with keeping in touch a cocktail with different natural botanicals that act as flavorings. You can also filter the cocktail in a mesh with coffee, something that will add a differential touch to a cocktail like Negroni.”
It is important to be careful and test as many times as necessary. When it comes to maceration we must know well each of the components that we will use, what strength and power each one has, in addition to contemplating the maceration times.
 On the other hand Martín Olivera, Brand Ambassador of Fernet Branca Argentina, Sernova and Borghetti, tells us that: “There are many maceration techniques: cold, hot, with alcohol or with some mixture of water and alcohol. This is all going to depend on what we want to macerate on. When it comes to doing so, we have to think that flavors can be modified to the wrong way if we do it the wrong way.”
This is why a macerated cocktail must always be well thought out, worked separately and tested several times until we reach the final flavor that we want to achieve.
And for you to try we leave you some recipes for you to cheer up and innovate in the cocktail branch. 
45 ml Pisco Mistral Special 35o macerated with beetroot
30ml raspberry syrup
15ml lemon juice
Foaming rosé to complete

Whisk the pisco along with the raspberry syrup and lemon juice, strain and serve in a cold flute glass.
For pisco macerated with beetroot, put in a bottle 750 ml of Special Mistral pisco 35o with 80 grams of raw beetroots cut into sheets. Let stand in a jar for about 48 hours, then strain and bottle.
45 ml Pisco Mistral Nobel 40o macerated with cinnamon in branch
7ml lime juice
45ml fresh pineapple juice
45ml ginger soda

Beat all ingredients except ginger soda, strain and serve in a long drink glass with diced ice. Complete with ginger soda and garnish with pineapple.
For pisco macerated with cinnamon on the branch, first toast the cinnamon so that the flavors are rekindled by putting it in a frying pan over a short heat until it starts to scent. Then put the branches in a clean glass jar with 750 ml of Pisco Mistral Nobel 40 degrees and let stand in a cool, dark place for 48 hours. Strain and bottle.
30ml Traditional Gin
1 small tablespoon gin macerated in jalapeño.
30ml Bitter Red (macerated with dried citrus peels and chamomile flowers).
30ml Carpano Rosso

This is a recipe from Il Capo’s Ariel Delprete
Vodka Sernova
Lime sheets
Ground coffee
Borghetti espresso liqueur

In a bowl all ingredients are placed and maceed for about 12 hours, then filtered.
It can be drunk in an old fashioned glass with ice or in a cocktail glass.

Original source in Spanish


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