translated from Spanish: National Thought Day: 119 years after Arthur Jauretche’s birth

In 2003, a newly assumed President Néstor Kirchner sent to the National Congress a project that would end up being promulgated Law 25.844, which declared every November 13 as the Day of National Thought.That date was proposed to commemorate the birth of Arturo Jauretche, one of the most important people for the political and social history of Argentina.The articles of the Law propose that the life and work of Jauretche be taught and remembered , on the date, both in Basic General Education and polymodal.

Born in the province of Buenos Aires, from a young age he had sympathy for the personalistic radicalism of Hipólito Yrigoyen, which led him to share his ideology, join the ranks of the Radical Civic Union (UCR) and fight for the integration of the working classes into political life, which, until then, was occupied by the most economically affluent. In 1933, imprisoned for his participation in the uprising in the Pass of the Free, he wrote a Gauchess poem of the same name telling the version of events. The prologue would be run by neither anyone but Jorge Luis Borges.Following Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear’s decision not to run for the 1939 presidential election, the frictional relationship between Jauretche and radicalism ended up breaking, giving way to the creation of the Radical Orientation Force of Young Argentina (FORJA) along with other left-wing radicals such as Raúl Scalabrini Ortíz and Luis Dellepiane.

But the FORGE was much more than that: it was the party that joined, for the first time in history, radicals and Peronists in the same party to form an alliance that went in the opposite direction to that conservative radicalism gestation with the overthrow of Yrigoyen.However, over the years, it was left alone, for Dellepiane, of Mazo Scalabrini Ortíz left the group, so Jauretche, although always critical, began to approach Juan Domingo Perón, whose name began to ascend exponentially. Author of transcendental and critical political works such as El medio pelo in Argentine society, Manual de zonceras argentinas or Filo, contrafilo y punta, Jauretche and his legacy still arouse questions, revelations and surprising those new readers who discover the work of this very important Argentine figure. On National Thinking Day and in days when the regulation of medicinal cannabis was on everyone’s palate and the sending of a Project of Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy was confirmed, from we remember one of its most famous sayings:
The crowd does not hate, minorities hate, because conquering rights provokes joy, while losing privileges provokes rancour.

Original source in Spanish


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