translated from Spanish: ARA San Juan: They will perform a ceremony in tribute to the 44 crew members

Next Sunday, November 15, an event will be held in the form of a tribute to the 44 crew members of the ARA San Juan at the Naval Base of Mar del Plata and, in it, relatives of the crew, authorities and military of the Ministry of Defense of the Nation will be present.As reported in the portfolio, in the event the National Pavilion will be given to the relatives , Jinetas and Swords corresponding to the post-mormon ascent of the crew members. It should be remembered that on November 19 last year there was also a ceremony in tribute, in which the families of the crew were given the “Medal of Military Honor”.

“Today we are here to try to fill a silence, with words that we know are limited, with gestures that never reach, we need to honor the facts highlighted by each of its crew members on the occasion of the loss of the submarine ARA ‘San Juan’, try to learn everything they teach us, listen to their message, perpetuate their legacy. Children, wives, fathers, brothers, comrades, each with a different pain, incomparable, always maximum; and a pride that moves us all, for having been privileged witnesses of what they were, of their convictions, for the coherence of their lives in fulfilling an oath and, once again, for the magnitude of their example. Many of us swore, they fulfilled,” Admiral José Luis Villán, Chief of the General Staff of the Navy, said that day.

Original source in Spanish


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