translated from Spanish: The Mona Jimenez recounted that she suffered bullying in her youth

The beloved Cordoba singer, La Mona Jiménez, was a guest on the program La Peña de Morfi and, in addition to playing his most famous songs, opened his heart and told that during his youth he suffered bullying from his colleagues in his native Cordoba. Jiménez, who has been in argentina’s music industry for more than 53 years, reappeared on television after many years of keeping the profile lower and participated via streaming from Cordoba of the cycle conducted by Gerardo Rozin and Jésica Cirio.In addition to enchanting the audience with his famous songs and promoting his new show online, the renowned popular singer shared with the viewers who suffered bullying as a boy by his nickname “I didn’t like to be told La Mona, ” he confessed.” When I was 10, I got into a folk ballet and stayed until I was 13. I was a second Malambo dancer, but I quit because I didn’t like being told The Mona. In the neighborhood they called me that and I was hurting because I wanted to be Tarzan, that was my dream”, continued Juan Carlos Jiménez Rufino, better known as La Mona Jiménez.With a serious but funny tone at times, the singer and composer expressed: “I had my tree in the house and from there I threw arrows at the people of the neighborhood that passed by. One day they said to me ‘you are Tarzan, the king of the neighborhood’. But then they called me La Mona and it’s an injustice… Look what I look like. What do I have to do with a monkey, brother? Look how cute a boy I am”The Mona also told that he left folklore and connected with rock thanks to his father giving him an electric guitar: “I stopped dancing folklore because when the boys fell, they went up the bathroom of the house and yelled at me, ‘Mona, take out that panties that we’re going to play football!’ Then one day I came to my house, took off my clothes, pancha, boots and never danced folklore again.” About his beginnings in the quartet, he recalled: “After studying guitar for three years, I traded it to my brother for a rifle of compressed air and never played guitar again. Then they started looking for a singer in Quartet Bern, I introduced myself and they chose me”When I was consulted about the current situation of confinement for the Covid-19 pandemic he replied: “I am happy, even though I can’t wait for this shit that I don’t even want to name until the vaccine comes. I want to be able to sing with my audience, meet my people who from all over come to Cordoba to see me.”

Original source in Spanish


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