translated from Spanish: A suspected extortion person is arrested for a textile in Zitácuaro, Michoacán

home Security A suspected extortion person is arrested for a textile in Zitácuaro, Michoacán

Zitácuaro, Michoacán.- Result of investigations, the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Michoacán (FGE), obtained the arrest of a male person, allegedly responsible for extortion committed against a textile entrepreneur, in the municipality of Zitácuaro.
This is Juan Carlos P., who according to test data that are part of the Research Folder, on September 17th, in complicity with other people, deprived a man of freedom.
After perpetrating the fact, the plagiarists contacted relatives of the aggrieved person to demand a monetary sum in exchange for their freedom, managing to agree to the delivery of the deeds of a property and cash, on the condition that they would subsequently pay the rest, a fact that was realized and for which they released the trader.
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On 2 October, the offenders communicated again in order to collect the rest of the ransom, so on 9 November, during an operation carried out in that municipality by personnel of the Specialized Kidnapping Combat Unit (UECS), Juan Carlos P. was arrested, at the time when he was collecting the extortion.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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