translated from Spanish: Senator Rincón for the second 10% withdrawal: “The government has not put any better tools on the table for the critical situation that millions of Chileans live in”

The head of the DC senators’ bench, Ximena Rincon referred to the debate about the second 10% withdrawal, ensuring that “to install the idea that here in the Senate will be negotiated something about pensions in exchange for 10%, is not to recognize that we have a real problem of lack of help for many and many, and that unfortunately , according to our powers we can only move forward with constitutional reform.”
“Any imaginary government from one negotiation to one by another is not to understand that they are two absolutely different issues. The government has not put any better tools on the table for the critical situation of millions of Chileans and Chileans. And 10% has nothing to do with pension reform which is structural,” he said.
“In committee we are clear that we must move forward with the withdrawal of 10% and see what happens to the payment of the food pensions and the request to the chairman of the committee is that everything be legislate together. And if necessary we will present directions to make it concrete,” he said.
In that line, Rincon commented that he hopes that “there will be no negotiation that is not discussed in the Constitution Committee. Today the process began and tomorrow it is voted on and I hope that we will quickly address it.”
“I would like to know what the government’s position is on the drama of families, because there are families here who have nothing to withdraw and there is no government response to that situation,” he added.
“It would be painful if we thought there was room for something like this (the kitchen). A President who does not reach 20% support cannot insist on measures and formulas that do not meet people’s needs. Unfortunately, the President still does not put in any better formula than the one being legislized,” he concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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