translated from Spanish: Alberto Fernandez announced that there will be an increase for retirees in December

Alberto Fernández announced on Wednesday an increase for retirees that will be effective before the end of the year: “In December there will be a correction of retirements because we are aware that we have to do so.” “We don’t want retirements to fall below inflation,” he said, in dialogue with A24. In this sense, he advanced that in principle the idea is that it is “an increase for all”. The head of state did not want to specify a percentage increase and avoided the word bonus: “We are working on that, but the idea is that it is an increase, there will be a secure increase.”
“We have to do something sustainable. With the formula we’re proposing today, retirees won 20%. The one we’re setting aside, which is that of macrism, caused them to lose 19%,” he compared.

The President’s announcement was made in the context of an extensive talk in which Fernández spoke of various topics related to politics and the economy and among the consultations there was no lack of the question about the recent mediation that received the wealth tax. “If it were a tax I think it might be unconstitutional, but it’s not a tax it’s a one-time contribution,” he argued at the possibility of the measure being prosecuted.
“I would like all Argentines to know who those who made that contribution are. I would like us to do an act one day, let’s say these are the people who have helped in the pandemic,” he said.
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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