translated from Spanish: Briones reaffirms Piñera’s sayings of second withdrawal of 10% and points to “de facto parliamentaryism”

The Minister of Finance, Ignacio Briones, agreed with President Sebastián Piñera in the context of the discussion of the second withdrawal project of 10% of the planned funds, where the representative stated that “it is an ethical obligation to use the TC to correct the attempt of parliamentarians who use a ‘constitutional circumvention’ and intend to build a parallel constitution”. The portfolio manager, after being consulted on whether they will take the initiative to the Constitutional Court, stated that “what is at stake here (…) is whether in this discussion there are limits to the powers of the state that are behind a vigorous democracy.” What we are witnessing is that through resquiciousness, transitional reforms to the constitution that do not converse with the permanent body of the constitution (…) We are flooding the prerogatives that are typical of the Executive,” he replied. Following the same line of the president, Briones, he warned that “what is at stake is if, through transitional changes, we are going to create a parallel constitution that does not converse with the mandate given by the public on October 25, majority in favor of going to a new constitution drafted by specially elected representatives for those purposes”. “I echo the president’s words. What is appropriate is these kinds of situations to deal with them through the institutional way,” he replied, adding that “moving towards de facto parliamentaryism is what we disagree with.”

Original source in Spanish


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