translated from Spanish: Government called elections for constitutional convention

President Piñera convened the election for the 155 members of the Constitutional Convention, which will be held on April 11, 2021, and called for “joining forces for this new Constitution to give us a framework of unity, stability, projection”.
In addition, a digital platform called “New Constitution” will be made available in the coming days, which will allow citizens to deliver their opinions, and which will also consist of history and documents of the Country Constitutions, as well as a comparative analysis of magna letters from other countries.
In his message, the Representative recalled when in November 2019 the agreement was convened that generated the plebiscite’s option for a new Constitution made in October, in which with the participation of 7.5 million people, the option “Apruebo” triumphed.
“A constituent process was initiated. Millions of Chileans defined a roadmap, and the government made two commitments: organizing a peaceful, participatory, transparent, secure plebiscite and an exemplary constituent process, leading us to a new Constitution recognized by all,” he said.
“It is time to put behind these confrontations that have put us on opposite pages,” added the Representative, who also said that “to build this great framework it is essential to achieve comprehensive and robust agreements that give birth to a Constitution legitimized and respected by all.”
The Chair further said that the new Magna Carta should enshrine “rights to health, pension, housing and education; parents to educate their children; design a more inclusive and diverse society, which raises equality before the law, opportunities, rights and duties between men and women, the value of transparency and effectiveness in public management, decentralization, recognition of indigenous peoples and environmental protection.”

Original source in Spanish


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