translated from Spanish: Provide bee management training to Ahome Civil Protection

The Mochis, Sinaloa.- In order for them to know and learn about the various forms of control and avoid killing these animals, the elements of Civil Protection of Ahome took part in the training called Technique in Management of Bees in Transit or Established within the city. Professor Eduardo Salazar Soria of Technical High School 13 of ejido Mochis, a geneticist and beekeeper, was in charge of imparting his knowledge on the subject, recommending to those present “not to kill the bee, but to control it, because this little animal is vital in the life of humans”.
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Salvador Lamphar Rodríguez, Civil Protection Coordinator at Ahome, was present at the event;  Arturo Mercado Mexía, Director of Economic Development and Guadalupe Camacho Valenzuela, Deputy Director of Food Development and Livestock, Of Sedeco.

The rapporteur, citing a phrase from scientist Albert Einsten, said “if the bee were to disappear from the face of the earth, life would disappear from the planet.” And the man would have only four years to live.” This is because the bee is responsible for the human being being being being alive, since 86 percent of what we eat is pollinated by the bee. And if we killed this animal, we’d be attacking our own lives. They give honey and multiple products,” he added, recommended, among other techniques, using smoke to control bees, because they will be able to maneuver the traps and remove them from the place where they pose danger to humans. “That way they won’t sting people, and a tragedy will be avoided.” Bees that are not controlled can attack dogs and any animals that pass by them, as they have with humans. “But this is easy to control, take them out of town and they can even install the hives to take advantage of their honey.” He recommended to the authorities, to carry out intensive outreach campaigns, explaining all the benefits that bees bring us and preventing people from destroying them.
“In countries like China, they don’t have bees and pollinate manually, flower by flower. They buy pollen and target a lot of people, but with this technique you run the risk of misty pollinating and polluting.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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