translated from Spanish: From the court to the market: They propose that Argentine 10 peso banknote carry the face of Diego Maradona

No one has been absent from the lamented death of Diego Maradona, at the age of 60. The Argentine idol, who wore the mythical 10 shirt, has been fired by all sectors, sports and non-sports. And you already start to see postcussion tributes, such as the name change to the stadium of Napoli, club where Maradona is an idol. And in argentina’s economic sphere, proposals are already being launched to pay tribute.
In Argentina, when the creator of the coronary bypass René Favaloro died, it was proposed that new banknotes bear his image. 20 years later, that could be repeated, as a group of fans asked for the 10-peso bill to carry maradona’s image.
The same fans have published prototypes of the banknote that has the colors celestial and white, such as those of the flag of Argentina, and the World Cup of Mexico 86 and the image of the star in gray.
“I’m here to propose a dream,” wrote a user with the illustration emulating the finished ticket. In addition to having “Central Bank of the Argentine Republic” printed, the coin has another striking detail: the signature of Diego Maradona.
The proposal generated all kinds of reactions. Some praised her, while others rejected her.
Currently, the ticket of 10, which is the lowest exchange value of the Argentine peso, has the image of General Manuel Belgrano and on the back bears an illustration of the Monument to the Flag of the city of Rosario.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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