translated from Spanish: Trump says he has “all the evidence” of voter fraud in the U.S.

U.S. President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he already has “all the evidence” that would prove the alleged voter fraud of the last presidential election on November 3, so he has asked a group of Republican senators for their support in “turning the election around.” A day after Pennsylvania confirmed his defeat in that state, Trump has acted over the phone at a hearing held by Republican senators in the city of Gettysburg, chaired by his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, in which he has again insisted on voter fraud theory.” We have to turn the election around, because there’s no doubt we have all the evidence,” said a Donald Trump, while Jenna Ellis, another member of his legal team, held the mobile phone in front of a microphone so that those present would hear a conspiracy perorata of about ten minutes.” All we need is for a judge to hear it correctly without having a political opinion or having another kind of problem, because we have everything and, by the way, the evidence is coming now as we speak,” he said. These choices were rigged. We can’t let this happen. We can’t let it happen in our country. This election has to be reversed because we won Pennsylvania by a lot of difference and we win all these undecided states for a lot too,” he insisted. Trump, who planned to travel to Gettysburg, has finally stayed in the White House, after one of his campaign advisers tested positive for coronavirus. In this case it is Boris Epshteyn, one of the members of his legal team, who was present at last week’s lighted press conference in Washington, in which Giuliani, who has traveled to Gettysburg, claimed that there was a nationwide plan to drive Donald Trump out of the Oval Office.

Original source in Spanish


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