translated from Spanish: Valdivia said he hasn’t been contacted by Colo Colo to return

National midfielder Jorge Valdivia clarified on Thursday the rumours about a return to Colo Colo, ensuring that from Black and White they have not contacted him to play for the ‘Cacique’ again. The ‘Magician’ responded on this day, through his Twitter account, to a user who practically gave as fact the arrival to the ‘popular’ cast of the 37-year-old. The account ‘Popular Stories’ wrote that Valdivia “signs for 6 months weon. 10 sticks like the Mati. If you save us, you will remain in eternal glory. Sign one clause per game played last. Then you renew for two years and you’re done. I can @ColoColo and @el_mago_oficial get good! We beg you!” Faced with this, the ‘Wizard’ replied that “the Black and White Society has not contacted me. I don’t know where that info came from. I’m just clearing up so they don’t come out with me asking for 10 or 20 or 40 or that I asked for five years of contract. Just so it’s clear and don’t go out with every madness afterwards.” Several national media outlets say Colo Colo analyses Jorge Valdivia’s emergency hiring to save himself from relegation. The steering wheel ended with Mazatlan and the management of Black and White, given the critical situation of the team, places him as a candidate to reinforce the midfield of Colo Colo.

Original source in Spanish


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