translated from Spanish: “Alert La Costa” plan for the summer season will begin

The Bonaerense la Costa party is developing different actions to best face the 20/21 season and for this reason will implement a new municipal program to strengthen the safety of the neighbors through an application. In this context, the mayor, Cristian Cardoso, met in recent days with different sectors and tour providers of La Costa to determine what will be the new indications for the summer season that will begin on Tuesday.

“We continue to prepare, with commitment, energy and responsibility to welcome our visitors in this approaching summer season,” the community chief told Télam, adding, “We will launch the ‘Alert La Costa’ program which is a multi-channel security system that will allow neighbors to make reports or complaints that may affect both their safety and that of third parties.” The service will be available on phones, mobile app, on a website, via text messages and as a panic button, integrating all emergency systems. In this first instance it will add to the service providers,” the mayor said.

And finally, with regard to the health situation by COVID-19, he revealed that “in La Costa we continue with a special case-finding operation to prevent outbreaks, but the cases are low and very few compared to other surrounding districts”, and while confiding “this has to do with the intense work we have done since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic”.

Original source in Spanish


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