translated from Spanish: Mexico among the first covid-19 vaccine pre-buyers

Mexico City.-This Tuesday the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) confirmed that Mexico is entering the first countries for covid-19 vaccine repurchase under nine nations. The information was corroborated by SRE Communication Director Daniel Millán Valencia who highlighted Duke Global Health Innovatión Center’s count of Duke University linking global health and different efforts in this area, an institute that reported the table with the different countries that entered into a pre-purchase agreement for the acquisition of Covid-19 vaccines.
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According to the early purchase mapping by Duke Global Health Innovatión Center that pped Mexico 10th below the United States, the European Union, India and the WHO Covax program, he also indicated that Mexico was assured of the pre-purchase of 159 million 900 thousand doses of vaccines to be used to combat Coronavirus disease.

Mexico is at the top of the table of the countries that have pre-purchased the most vaccines the source Covid-19.La is the Duke Global Health Innovation Center, which reports on the efforts of governments to ensure access to the biological. — Daniel Millán Valencia (@dmillan)
December 1, 2020

According to the table, Mexico has planned the purchase of 35 million doses by CanSino Biologics, 15 million 500 thousand by Pfizer, 32 million by Gamaleya Research Institute and 77 million with Oxford University.

Original source in Spanish


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