translated from Spanish: Non-sexist education expert Camila Arenas is CS’s bet as a constituent for the D12

This week frenta’s Broad Social Convergence party announced that she will compete in April for the 12th arrondissement with her own candidate, teacher and expert in non-sexist education, Camila Arenas.La a 34-year-old candidate points out her closeness to the district as she “grew up and studied” in Florida, as well as working in adult literacy in La Pintana and having taught at the SENAME of Puente Alto , along with getting up close and personal with the realities of the communes of Pirque and San José de Maipo. Arenas noted, through a statement, that “The D12 is a miniature Chile, here all the inequality, oblivion for the periphery and the lack of rights are lived head-on the consequences of this model: educational debts, cycling to survive and real estate predation”. He also says that he has dedicated himself to touring different places in Chile teaching classes and workshops on his specialty, non-sexist education, both for students and education workers, so he visited at least 50 high schools and MRI schools and arriving in cities such as Arica, Iquique, Rancagua, Concepción, Temuco, Osorno and Valdivia.In the statement he also points out that one of his positions before the new constitution would be to prioritize the role of education , and include a gender approach, stating that “I have been a teacher for years in popular sectors and I know first-come the hopelessness of young people, because they know that there is no future for them. That is why I am convinced that we must fight to enshrine education as a right. The new constitution must establish the right to a free, non-sexist and quality education.” The candidate points out that she has been part of the founding processes of feminist organizations such as La Alzada Feminista and the Feminist Teaching Network, and considers that “Work to reach different places and put my grain of sand into non-sexist education and feminist struggles is part of a collective process in which women and diversity rething and organizing to change things.” Finally, with regard to her motivations to be part of women seeking to write a new constitution, she points out that “I have been able to see in the first person the educational crisis, where problems such as machismo and gender-based violence are expressed, among many others, therefore the axis of my candidacy is in being able to contribute from my experience as a teacher, and now as a researcher , at the service of ensuring a quality, non-sexist education that can be enshrined as the right to build a fairer and safer country for all.”

Original source in Spanish


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