translated from Spanish: Published oxford vaccine results define it as “safe and effective”

Researchers today confirmed that the Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine is safe and effective against Covid-19 and protects against serious illnesses and hospitalizations. In a statement, the pharmaceutical company reported that the results of an intermediate analysis of the Phase III programme carried out were published by the scientific journal The Lancet, and were based on 11,636 participants who accumulated 131 symptomatic infections in the UK and Brazil.

As for the efficacy of the vaccine, they ensured that it is 70.4% to prevent the onset of symptomatic Covid-19, after more than 14 days of receiving both doses of it. On Tuesday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration released its final report on pfizer vaccine tests confirming that immune protection against coronavirus is strong approximately 10 days from the first of the two doses.

The vaccine protects against symptomatic disease in 70% of cases – with vaccine efficacy of 62% for those given two full doses, and of 90% in those given a half then a full dose. (2/6) — The Lancet (@TheLancet)
December 8, 2020

In this context, the UK began vaccinating the at-risk population after having emergency authorised the Pfizer vaccine.

Original source in Spanish

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