translated from Spanish: Electoral Platform and Political Action Programme, presentation of the PAN

The National Action Party (PAN) presented the Preliminary Draft political action programme and the 2021 Electoral Platform that will be “our main cover letter for society, so that they know what we think, what we want and what we are going to fight for,” said its President Marko Cortés.
In the presentation, the White Leader stated that both documents have been preparing for more than a year and are the guide for all panistas, for all candidates for the 2020-2021 elections in the Chamber of Deputies.
Days ago, the National Council of the PAN unanimously approved the Electoral Platform, which began to be built from March.
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Armando Rodríguez, a lawyer for the Preciado Foundation, announced through his social networks his participation in the drafting of the platform and called it a strengthening of the values and principles of the party in the face of “the onslations of progress and international communism”.
Among the proposals are respect for the “right to life from conception to natural death, where the family is strengthened as the first natural community where people develop their affections, knowledge, skills, attitudes and values,” Cortés said.
And the parental PIN, to give total freedom of parents to choose the education they want for their children.
During the presentation, the chairman of the 2021 Platform Commission, Humberto Aguilar Coronado, mentioned that the document consists of more than 300 proposals made in collaboration with citizens.
The official highlighted ten thematic axes within the platform:
1.- Rescue of the health system and social security.
2.- Free economic competition and development of people.
3,. Construction of the rule of law, in peace, with justice and security.
4.- Rescue of government honesty and fight corruption.
5.- Restoration of democracy and strengthening of institutions.
6.- Boosting and protecting the information society and new technologies.
7.- Environmental protection and boost to clean energies.
8.- Promotion of quality education and promotion to culture, science, technology and sport.
9.- Repositioning Of Mexico in the world.
10.- Strengthening of human rights, women, young people and children.
Within these points is the fight against corruption and the dismantling of the presidential regime, reaffirmed by the current president; mentioned Aguilar Coronado. It is also proposed to cancel projects that threaten the environment.
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For his part, Marko Cortés stated that the platform was the result of months of work between the Commission and the Rafael Preciado Foundation. The document’s proposals “in addition to reflecting our identity in every word, detail our vision for the future, the Mexico that is possible and that we want,” he said.
About the Preliminary draft of the Political Action Programme, Fernando Rodríguez Duval, chairman of the Political Action Programme Update Committee, noted that the document lists the challenges the country is currently facing and provides, from the party’s state view, the actions to address them.
Before that, Cortés mentioned that the Program had to be updated and put at the forefront of defining the Mexico that Acción Nacional wants to build. 
It will also serve as a legacy of the current generation, “to present a PAN with the same values and principles, but renewed, modern, with answers to the challenges of the present and the future”.
The Mexico that wants the PAN
The president of the National Action Party listed a list of goals and objectives pursued by the body, in contrast to current presidential decisions.
The PAN seeks a democratic Mexico, which gives rise to citizen participation, where an authoritarian presidential system is not returned, he said, and where government contracts are awarded through transparent tenders.
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A country where prosecutors are autonomous and women have access to justice, where femicides are eradicated. A country is desired where the economy puts the person at the center, generates growth and protects private property.
Cortés also noted that we are looking for a country where education is comprehensive, of quality that allows people to developuseful facilities and where there is an ongoing evaluation of the education system.
“In National Action we have not stopped for a single day, we took action in Mexico; neither the pandemic nor the constant attacks have made us cry out in the face of bad decisions and in the face of attacks on freedom,” the official speculated.
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Original source in Spanish


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