translated from Spanish: “Affirmations like this don’t contribute”: Minister Couve criticized Deputy Fuenzalida (RN) after noting that “for no reason” would the COVID-19 vaccine be given

After National Renewal (RN) Deputy Gonzalo Fuenzalida noted that “for no reason” would COVID-19 be vaccinated, Science Minister Andrés Couve criticized the parliamentarian, noting that “claims like this do not contribute to the role we must play as authorities at such a critical time.”
According to Emol, through a thread on his Twitter account, the secretary of state argued that “we need to talk more about the benefit of vaccines, how they save lives, protect people’s health and eradicate disease. Claims like this do not contribute to the role we must play as authorities at such a critical time.”
“Vaccination is a collective response to a problem that affects us all. Phase I and II tests focusing on safety have already been published in prestigious journals, and those we know from Phase III, along with testing effectiveness, re-confirm their safety,” Couve added.
Finally, the Government authority emphasized that “we must also consider that technology monitoring and improvement is always necessary. Thus the health of all benefits from the latest scientific and technological advances.”
It should be remembered that during this day, Gonzalo Fuenzalida, in conversation with Radio Universe, also noted that “any scientist or even doctor tells you that a vaccine with less than a year of study is not a 100% reliable vaccine, and you have to see the side effects”.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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