translated from Spanish: Swift Romario case: Army captain who ordered to fire in demonstration was placed in pre-trial detention

Army Captain José Faúndez Sepúlveda was remanded in custody after being formalized for murder and unnecessary violence against the young Romario Veloz, as part of the demonstrations of the social outburst in La Serena.
According to 24 Hours, the cases of Rolando Robledo and César Veliz were also considered, who were seriously injured after the shootings fired by soldiers who were in command of Faúndez. The prosecution was able to determine that it was this trooper who gave the order to fire twice.
“The captain instructs conscripts and professional soldiers. A first firing order is given (…) It was done through an ademan. He was giving instructions with his hand and if something is extracted from these visual records, he would not carry a gun, he would only give instructions,” the judge argued.
The judge added that this instruction “caused injuries at Rolando Robledo, who was the first victim, and who was “at a distance of approximately 27 to 29 meters. That was able to establish the expert.”
“Then, at about 6:18 p.m., he would have given a second order of fire, which resulted in the wounding of the victim Romario Veloz, who died at the site,” he added.
It was further determined that the military that fired the shell casings after firing their weapons.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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