translated from Spanish: The alleged rivalry Adela Noriega and Lucero by man

Even in the best families, says a popular saying. And yes, even in the great actresses there are rivalries for a man, if they did not ask Adela Noriega and Lucero, two large and loved actresses of Mexican melodramas, who, according to a famous magazine specializing in shows, began a rivalry from contending for which of the 2 would be the protagonist with the American actor of Cuban origin William Levy.La publication of the magazine farandulera asserts that the controversial decision of the producer of “La tempestad”, Salvador Mejía Alejandre, would have caused between the actress of “I am your owner” and that of “Fire in the Blood” there would be a fight, now a soap opera, since both Mexican actresses were, at the time, contemplated to share screen with the actor of “Care for the Angel”.
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The role for which Adela Noriega and Lucero were allegedly fought was given to Ximena Navarrete, the Miss Universe 2010/ Source: @PiresAngella

The text details that Mejía Alejandre encountered a real dilemma when she had to choose which actress, Lucero or Adela Noriega, would be the one to be the protagonist of the husband of the actress Elizabeth Gutierrez. The producer’s indecision was what supposedly caused both women to argue with each other, which, in the end, proved fruitless, since Salvador Mejía ended up choosing the former Mexican Miss Universe, Ximena Navarrete to be Levy’s sentimental partner in the adaptation of the Colombian telenovela “La tormenta” produced by Telemundo.
It should be clarified that, to date, neither Adela nor Lucero has come out to clarify or deny what the show magazine published in relation to the rivalry they have or had arising from the altercation by the staring of the melodrama “The Tempest”; while the actress of “Por ella soy Eva” promotes her firstborn’s musical career with singer Manuel Mijares, Adela Noriega has been away from all the floodlights for more than half a century because the surgeries that would have been performed a few years ago left her face completely disfigured. If this magazine’s sayings turned out to be true, the supporters of the actress of “Sweet Challenge” were nowhere to see the spectacular return of the 51-year-old Mexican actress, who would not finish coming true. (This is why Adela Noriega has not reappeared in the novels)

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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