translated from Spanish: 33 years without Luca Prodan, one of the most influential artists in national rock

Luca George Prodan was born on 17 May 1953 in Rome, Italy, but spent much of his youth in England, where, after leaving school, he devoted himself to music. There he formed his first band, The New Clear Hands. After this episode, Prodan, who was a relentless heroin user, fell into a coma after an overdose and was almost killed. However, he recovered and thus traveled to Argentina.

In the midst of a dictatorship, Prodan settled in our country and formed a friendship with Germán Daffunchio and Alejandro Sokol, with whom he began to make subjects. That’s how Sumo was born. Later, they joined the group Roberto Pettinato, Alberto “Superman” Troglio, Diego Arnedo and Ricardo Mollo.Al beginning, performed a demo known as “Corpiños en la Madrugada”, but Sumo’s first album was “Divided by Happiness” (word game with the band Joy Division, one of which influenced Luca Prodan). With him they got their first hit, “The Dumb Blonde”.
Later, “The Monkeys Arrive” and “After Chabón”, the group’s last album. The group’s music was characterized by reggae, funk and post-punk. On December 22, 1987, Prodan was found lifeless in the room of his house at 451 Alsina Street, located in the Porteño neighborhood of San Telmo. He suffered cardiac arrest after severe bleeding caused by cirrhosis of the liver.

Original source in Spanish


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