translated from Spanish: A 59-year-old woman was killed and four injured after shooting in Maipú Square

A 59-year-old woman died of a gunshot wound to the cervical area, and four others were injured, following a gunshot wound to Maipú Square.
The event was confirmed by the director of the Hospital del Carmen of the commune, to where the wounded were transferred after the event.
The shots, according to preliminary information, were produced from a moving white vehicle on the corner of 5 April and Pajaritos streets, in the context of an unauthorized Christmas fair.
According to police reports, a man would have fired 10 shots and it would be an adjustment of accounts for inconvenience between traders.
The mayor of Maipú, Cathy Barriga, said that the woman who died from the shooting was a resident of the commune of Pedro Aguirre Cerda, and was with her sister shopping. 
Of the injured, a 27-year-old woman is being surgically surgery, while an 18-year-old man is also in the ward. A third wounded will be promptly operated on, as a fourth victim, who filed a wound with projectile entry and exit on his arm, was discharged. 

Original source in Spanish


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